Saturday, February 5, 2011

Public Announcement

Well, readers, it seems that it's still true that you can't say anything online without someone taking it out of context. Yes, I said Danielle had pre-proxy symptoms. Headaches and sleeping a lot are symptoms that people exhibit before becoming proxies. So's a wheezing cough, such as the one I have. Those are also symptoms of several other things. Having symptoms of a disease does not mean you have it.
Danielle's text in her earlier posts being a bright red also made it slightly hard for me to read. I misread the buzzing feeling as a buzzing sound. That was a horrible, horrible mistake on my part. I misinterpreted that as an auditory hallucination brought on by Slenderman. That one was entirely my mistake.
While I did say she had some symptoms that showed Slenderman could be have been targeting her to make her a proxy, I never said she was a proxy. A fully-taken proxy has no symptoms, other than complete obedience to Him. Even if she were being targeted, as Kate posted previously, there is a cure if you catch it in time.
If I catch people taking what I say out of context again, I'm going to be pissed. I didn't intend to turn everyone against a fellow fighter. I'd like to publicly appologize to Danielle for making the past couple days more hellish than they had to be. Dealing with Him every day takes a lot more than what I do.


  1. *ahem* Well this is hard for me to say, but you were right. read the post on my blog if you can get around to it. Only hollowed have a hivemind, so you're safe. =/ Hope everything is going well.

  2. Well, just read it.
    Slender bastard just loves making me a liar, doesn't he?
    Ah, well. So long as you're still you enough to hold a conversation (and as long as you don't come all the way here and try to fuck my shit up), you're still a friend.
    I still don't think Slenderman is aware of me. Rather strange, considering the "tests" I did today.
