Sunday, January 30, 2011

Attempt 1

Quick warning before reading this any further: Do not, under any circumstances, even think about trying any of this, EVER. It was a horrible idea, and it damn near exposed me to Slendy. If you're a runner or a fighter, this is practically guaranteed to just piss Him off. The only reason I even survived is sheer surprise on His part.

I tried to trap Him yesterday. Went to what appears to be one of His favorite haunts and set it up. It was a simple enough trap, a net weighed up by bait the Slender bastard couldn't resist: A bowling ball with an Operator symbol scratched into it. Dumbass picked it up, releasing the rope under it, and the net above Him. Net falls, Slender gets pissed, 2 proxies immediately show up and cut the net. I ran as soon as I saw the proxies had knives.
Still, pretty good for a cheap laugh at the bastard's expense. Well, cheap-ish. Going to need to buy E. a new bowling ball.

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