Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Since I'm home sick yet again, I figure I might as well share some of the things I noticed about His behavior.

1. He seems to appear more often when I'm tired, hungry, or in some other way impaired. Cold medication made Him show up almost as soon as the side-effects kicked in.
2. As anyone who reads H(a)unting knows, He does occasionally show a more human side. I've never seen it, but then again, He's not really that friendly with me.
3. Non-target humans might not notice Him, but animals can sense him coming from quite a distance. This makes dogs especially useful for any runners out there. That, and having a friend can help keep you sane.
4. He will not show up to rescue His agents (anecdotal evidence, testing required).
-Subnote: All the agents I've captured were fucking insane. They laughed. Not at me, nor at my methods, but at the very idea that Slenderman was using them. They said it was the opposite that was true. Then again, these "agents" were trying to capture me, so I'm pretty sure they weren't the real deal. I think they're some sort of fucked-up cult to the Slender fuck. I'd investigate further, but something tells me they won't hold back.

That's all I have for now. Until next time, this is Steve, signing out.

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